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這就是街舞2王潤背景音樂BGM叫什么 One Time歌詞全文

更新時間:2020-09-22 18:35



這就是街舞2王潤背景音樂BGM叫什么 One Time歌詞全文

  王潤在節(jié)目《這就是街舞2》中導師選拔的環(huán)節(jié),選用的歌曲是Marian Hill組合的歌曲《One Time》。這首歌就是非常有質(zhì)感,不管是整體的節(jié)奏,還是歌手的慵懶嗓音,都讓這首歌透露出一些性感的味道,總覺得特別的美,讓人忍不住想要跟著歌曲扭動自己的身體。


  Marian Hill《One Time》歌詞分享

  You know you've got that thing

  That makes the girls all swing

  You know exactly what you do

  You like the hit and run

  You say it's all for fun

  You think that I'm the one for you

  Boy if you wanna go I would not mind

  But I'm not the kind of drum you play one time

  Boy if you wanna go I would not mind

  But I'm not the kind of drum you play one time

  One time, one time, one time

  Boy I'm not the kind of drum you play one time

  One time, one time, one time

  Boy I'm not the kind of drum you play one time

  I know I've got that sway that makes the boys all stay

  I know the way that men can be

  I like it smooth and slow

  Give it some time to grow

  That's something you should know about me

  Boy if you wanna go I would not mind

  But I'm not the kind of drum you play one time

  Boy if you wanna go I would not mind

  But I'm not the kind of drum you play one time

  One time, one time, one time

  Boy I'm not the kind of drum you play one time

  One time, one time, one time

  Boy I'm not the kind of drum you play one time

  One more time

  Play play the drum

  One more time

  Play play the drum

  One more time

  Play play the drum

  One more time....

  Boy if you wanna go I would not mind

  But I'm not the kind of drum you play one time

  Boy if you wanna go I would not mind

  But I'm not the kind of drum you play one time

  One time, one time, one time

  Boy I'm not the kind of drum you play one time

  One time, one time, one time

  Boy I'm not the kind of drum you play one time

  One one one one one time (repeat variation of this line)

  But I'm not the kind of drum you play one time

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