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抖音super super superstar是什么歌 superstar抖音歌曲歌詞分享

更新時間:2019-05-30 17:22


抖音super super superstar是什么歌?很多小伙伴都被這首魔性的歌曲洗腦了,這首來自立陶宛國民美女歌手beatrich的《superstar》。小編給大家?guī)砹烁柙~分享,趕緊來看看吧~

抖音綠玫瑰的歌名叫什么 抖音綠玫瑰創(chuàng)作原聲分享


Love is enough for me

Paper planes will make you see


We kinda rock this bar

You look like a superstar

I wanna show you things I love about you

Holding hands and feeling so cool

All the things I love about you or

Sharing lips and kiss anytime

You're so nice to make me feel right

Giving looks and dancing all night

We are the superstars, super, super, superstars

Yeah, we the ones, who have the power


We are the superstars, super, super, superstars

Yeah, we the ones, who have the power


We are the superstars, super, super, superstars

Yeah, we the ones, who have the power


We are the superstars, super, super, superstars

Yeah, we the ones, who have the power


I chose to running now

Where you are or where you go

Don't running no

If love can make you mine

Deepest thoughts can come alive

I wanna show you things I love about you

Holding hands and feeling so cool

All the things I love about you or

Sharing lips and kiss anytime

You're so nice to make me feel right

Giving looks and dancing all night

We are the superstars, super, super, superstars

Yeah, we the ones, who have the power



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