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抖音girl in the mirror誰唱的 girl in the mirror歌詞介紹

更新時間:2020-09-15 18:09


最近有一首抖音版英文歌非常好聽,這首歌的節(jié)奏和原版節(jié)奏還是有點不一樣的,那么抖音版girl in the mirror誰唱的?girl in the mirror歌詞介紹。

抖音girl in the mirror誰唱的 girl in the mirror歌詞介紹

girl in the mirror歌詞介紹

歌手:Sophia Grace&Silentó

I wake up every day like hello beautiful

Cause this world is so crazy and it can bring you down

You're too short too fat too skinny

Hey well excuse me if I think that I'm pretty

So I don't care what you say cause I'm original

I'm learning how to love me from my head down to my toes

Let 'em know let 'em know if you with me

Hey cause I finally found the answer is in me

My mama she keeps saying

Don't let 'em get you down

Had to learn to love me

That's why I'm talking to the girl in the mirror

Like even if you're down better get up

Cause every set back's just a set up

For something just a little bit better

Oh I'm talking to the girl in the mirror

Girl in the mirror

Girl in the mirror girl in the mirror

Girl in the mirror girl in the mirror

Go to sleep at night with a smile on my face

Cause I know who I am and I can't ever be replaced

So go ahead be proud be different

Hey just make sure you're one out of a million

My mama she keeps saying

Don't let 'em get you down

Had to learn to love me

That's why I'm talking to the girl in the mirror

Like even if you're down better get up

Cause every set back's just a set up

For something just a little bit better

Oh I'm talking to the girl in the mirror

Girl in the mirror

Girl in the mirror girl in the mirror

Girl in the mirror girl in the mirror

So bae you did it you took it to the top

You gotta keep going the grind never stops

Say you won't do what I won't do

Yeah girl I'm watching you

You got that swagger you got that glow

For all the doubters just let them know

Count up more for days just go

I love your soul and your rhythm flow

Like oh yeah I'm like oh yeah

Put your hands in the air

That girl power that girl power

Put your hands up for the girl power

I like it I won't bite it

Keep it on cause I'm watching

Keep going just kill it

So girl embrace your number one chance

That's why I'm talking to the girl in the mirror

Like even if you're down better get up

Cause every set back's just a set up

For something just a little bit better

Oh I'm talking to the girl in the mirror

Girl in the mirror

Girl in the mirror girl in the mirror

Girl in the mirror girl in the mirror

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